PS Move game shot- silly! |
Anyone who has been really following this blog might have noticed comments being posted after each entry by "Greg" with the Eagles icon. Well I finally made it to visit him, my father. He lives in Parker, Colorado, and has been eagerly awaiting my pass through the Rocky Mtn region. I arrived late after getting through some heavy snow from Wyoming and just settled in. We went to go see Saw Final Chapter the following day because, I know, I know: surprisingly I hadn't seen it yet.
There is an air tram that takes you
across the gorge about 2200 ft over a good 1178 ft to the river, using a huge cable. Pretty cool. Then you can walk along a wildlife area that houses huge elk, bighorn sheep, and bison (including a white bison who just recently had a calf).
Wander down into the old west area with a jail, old mine, sheriff, and an area where you can participate in ax-throwing. Again, the place was all closed for the season, so it really felt like a western ghost town, which was awesome.
Next came time to walk the suspension bridge- over 1200 ft across, first built in the early 1900s. It was amazing to see the different views over the canyon, including the "JFK" mountain in the background (mountain that resembles the profile of JFK, laying down on his back).
Anyone have 1200+ ft of fishing line? |
And this guy's been ridin' since the mining days! |
Went into downtown Denver for dinner at a contemporary pizza place called the Mellow Mushroom with the most bizarre ingredients I have ever heard of in a pizza place (curry chicken, tofu, feta cheese, cucumbers... to name a few), as well as the traditional toppings too.
Two miles down the road is the Boulder Creek winery. A small place that takes 6.5 minutes to walk through, but really nice, smooth wines.
We tried all 9 on the tasting menu and I ended up buying some bottles to bring back with me (Syrah, Murphy's Blend, Zin Port, White Merlot, Viognier, and Reisling- it's not too often I find a Reisling that I like from the US!).
Walked down the streets of downtown Boulder to look at all of the little shops and restaurants. Even being a college town, the strips had little cafes, used bookshops, and ice cream so it was nice. Played with my dad's dog, Bear, for the night and got ready for the drive ahead.
(a.k.a snow) everybody knows who the stalker is. It was great having you here road weary and all. I had fun touring you around. I even seen some stuff i haven't seen before. As for the PS Move game.....if nothing else we teamed up to make sure at least the fridge didn't fall through the floor. Now that your leaving the Rocky Mountains and a few days left on your journey......Its all "downhill" from here. Love you. (your Dad.....alias Greg the stalker)