The Riverwalk is really pretty. I didn't stop in any of the shops or bars and restaurants because I had a date with a million bats in Austin and had to be there by sundown, but I walked a little bit of it and it was much prettier than I had imagined. Very relaxing to walk along; great atmosphere. Plenty of arched bridges to walk under and boats floating along side of you.
Austin holds the largest bat colony in North America and they come out from under the Congress Street Bridge every evening at sundown between April and October. Sure enough, shortly after the sun set, 1.5 million sparrow-sized Mexican free tailed bats began flying from under the bridge in a constant, steady stream. It looked just like a fluttery cloud overhead, and couple low-fliers would get pretty close to you. I tried to lighten the picture up some so you could see the bats a little bit... it was just so dark. Out of 11 pics, I was hoping to get at least one!
But just to be standing under such a sight... it was amazing. These bats continued to flow out over the river for about 40 minutes straight! Totally worth the drive.
Next drive... way long. West towards New Mexico. A lot of mountains, a lot of sun. I think I got sunburn on just my left side from the trip. Stopped in El Paso, TX, but it's only good for a stop- plenty of stores, and it was the first civilization I had been in for almost 600 miles, but I didn't do anything here. Too much construction and traffic.
WHA??? You mean you couldn't doctor that picture up to put at least one bat in it? Not even a Louisville slugger at least? just kiddin.